Women hear what they want to hear. It doesn't matter what a guy says to a woman; she's going to hear exactly what she wants to hear...and then she's gonna get mad at you when you didn't hear it too. That's right, she's not going to understand what you don't understand about what she understands you said. Guy says, "I'm hungry." He means he's hungry...and hungry enough to say it out loud. Girl hears, "He's takin me to dinner...we're goin on a date...we're gettin married." But if a woman says to another woman "I'm hungry," that's not what she's going to hear. She's just going to hear that girl's hungry. So THEN she's going to call/text/email/ichat/morse code with her girlfriends to confirm the translation of the "I'm hungry." (hazzard lights should be flashing DANGER DANGER DANGER) This should be illegal. Women counseling each other is a bigger detriment to society than drugs. The money the government uses on drug trafficking should be put towards the trafficking of womens' thoughts. IT MUST BE STOPPED. Cause once a woman starts to seek out the opinions of other women, the sky's the limit for the translation of "I'm hungry." If her girlfriends say he's saying he wants her to move in...then it must be true cause her girlfriends don't lie. So now she's all dressed, told everyone that she's got a date, and she calls him: "Where are you?" He says, "I'm at the Olive Garden with Billy. What are you doin?"...We all know what happens next. Women are crazy. We are. We're completely and totally psychotic. Of course we're irrational, we are so pumped with hormones that I scare myself. The only saving grace to our psychosis: The Power of The Pussy. (i know hate that word too, but I really like alliterations) Men stick around for this nonsense for one reason: women hold the power to open the gates of Narnia...and we know it. So do you hear what we hear??? Fuck no, of course not...but you better find a way to make it seem like you do.
i hate when a nose hair is trapped in a booger