Monday, July 26, 2010

Toilet Paper Roll On Top Of Empty Roll

When the toilet paper runs out you will obviously not change the roll...that would just be silly! Instead, you will place the brand new roll on top of the empty cardboard cylinder that resides on your toilet paper dispenser. AND (most likely) that cardboard cylinder has been chillin there for what has now been multiple toilet paper exchanges. If what I have just described sounds all too foreign to you, perhaps even a little shocking, then you lead an unbearably rigid for you I have provided a clip-art exhibit of this mastery.
Yes, that's right...MASTERY. What you see above takes skill, precision, and a comprehensive knowledge of true laziness. Do you have any idea the level of focus it takes to get the bulky, weighted, fresh roll to stay atop of the empty cardboard without it rolling off?? Okay, let's be honest...not much, but there is something to be said for the fact that it's like these dispensers were manufactured in such a way that they are suited to hold toilet paper not fastened in the dispenser. Huge fan of options...gotta love options. So why do we do this??? Why do we not simply remove the empty roll and replace is with the fresh roll?? This confusion only becomes more baffling when you consider the idea what we are sitting on the toilet and our hands have absolutely nothing to that's what I call discipline in the art of laziness at its best. After fully pondering this subject and since I cannot call on the resting soul of Aristotle (I tried, he didn't answer)...I have come to the conclusion that this is just one of those ever-eternal questions that will remain unanswered.


  1. I keep the roll on top of the cardboard tube vertically when it's still robust enough not to fall through. When it's about half-used I turn it over horizontally (as pictured)

  2. Statistic: 100% of the toilet paper rolls in Turman West dorm room 118 were NOT changed by LRF
