Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Best Friend Syndrome

Why is it that the term Best Friend has lost its meaning? A Best Friend is supposed to be singular because Best means the ultimate; it means that there can only be one. So why are people putting an "S" beind the word friend? However, you will meet these people who have 10 best friends...How? I think I have figured this mystery out and I call it best friend syndrome, and it comes in two fold. The first issue is the guy or the gal who becomes "best friends" with the person they are obsessing over. Why do we do it? Is it because we are merely settling for less and trying to find happiness in the fact that they are still apart of our lives? Or, is it because we are secretly hoping that one day we will be able to convince them otherwise and somehow manipulate them into being with us? Everyone is a victim of this at some point and to some degree, but why do we do it? Is it because we are psychotic...probably. Why would we ever want to constantly be around someone that we want as more than just a friend, but only act as their friend? It's bizarre, oxymoronic. It's social/romantic suicide. On the contrary why does the obsessed allow the obsessor to always be around. It's almost a masochistic thing we engage in. I believe that the obsessed allows the obsessor to fill that "best friend" slot for the moment in order to fulfill their own ego. Why not, you have someone that worships you and is at your beck and call, so why not abuse them? Makes sense... Healthy, right. What we should be doing is removing ourselves from them completely. It should be an all or nothing engagement, and if it's not all then move on. You have to; and honestly do you really need another "Best Friend?" The answer is: No You Do Not. Just be cordial but curt and move on.
The second fold is even more pathetic. The guy or the gal who cannot become best friends with the person they are obsessing over, so they now become best friends with their friends.
OY VEY. There are specific situations where circles collided prior, where you were friends before the obsession, yada yada...I know there are extenuating circumstances. However, for the most part the next stalking step is to become "best friends" with their obsession's friends. Why do we do it? Is it because we think if we get their approval then our "beloved" will approve of us? Or, is it because we are trying to make them jealous and we think that this will provoke them? Who knows but we do it, and it really doesn't work.
Moral of the story is find a best friend, find one of them, and make sure that that person wants to be your best friend. This part is pretty important. But really, just don't be a fucking idiot.


  1. I think the reason we have so many best friends is because its unrealistic to expect any one person to fulfill our needs in every context. I personally think "best friend" should be a team effort.

    Also, thought you'd enjoy this:

  2. Team Effort? Then sweety you have never gotten a group of 10 women into the same room. There is no such thing. The only thing that team could do is keep therapists in business. We can call them team Xanax and team klonopin. I think you are missing the point of the has nothing to do with having more than one best friend. Read it again.
